There are very few things that I can paint. I’m not an expert in any subject. I failed at becoming an engineer. I’m not very good with people. I avoid nature. I have to force myself to read. I like to cook but my sense of smell isn’t great. I’m mediocre at sports. I enjoy listening to music but I can’t even hum in tune. Politics confuse me.

   I’ve realized that my life has always just been me, moving from one room to the next. I’m always in a box or traveling to another box. I do things in these boxes but I’ve forgotten what I’ve done because I’ve always been in a rush or fearing for what’s to come. 

  I’m the result of how I’ve stumbled through these boxes, barely having enough time to understand them, I don’t even know how I got out of them. My painting practice is about wandering around these boxes I’ve built in my mind. The walls, ceiling, and floor are asking me questions that I need to answer. I also want to ask some questions of my own.


“Untitled” | Oil on Canvas | 2024

“Glass” | Oil on Canvas | 2024