Work deals as an honest being’s struggle with both the sensuous and the beyond. Initiated by interpersonal questions linked to combining the visceral abide with the time itself. In hopes of locating coordinates of what makes of my being in the vast ocean of every personal experiences one can find oneself in.

    For example “cross” initiates the question with an interpersonal approach, in this case the duration is forever until the performance ends. It is in hopes to show the struggle of the visceral during the passage of time.

     Other case as for the Hedgehog, the performance itself is not documented, however the monument which embodies the visceral experience is performed over and over again as the viewer encounters with the plaque itself. 

    Two of those works both need combine time with the visceral experience to accurately locate a being-myself. Myself of both the sensuous world and a being abided of time.


“Cross” | 3 Hour, 30 Minute Performance | 2023