At any point in history, it is important that artists create and interpret the world as they view it. However, we must take into account that we often make art for an small more intimate audience in the grand scheme of the world especially the contemporary art world. So as crucial as it is for us to express our opinions and feelings we shouldn’t expect to be heard.
My practice tries to consider this notion and embody it. I make art about myself and my personal issues with the world that are all spawned out of my personal experiences. I try to consider the fact that altering phenomenological perspectives exist. The way I perceive information in the world and then choose to vomit back out is always going to be inherently unique. If I had a platform that wasn’t an echo chamber perhaps id, make broader sociopolitical messages with my work.
The Rules:
1. Consider that the line between sculpture and drawing does not exist.
2. Examine the institutions we inhabit and how to understand the real when said institutions are not.
3. There should not be a divide between the artist and their audience, we are both one of the same world. For this reason, sculpture, in public space is imperative. Formalities are not required for experiencing and absorbing art.
4. Seek to confront the audience with respect intact.
“A Strange Weakness” | Metalwork, Image Projection | 2023